Tāda ir tā studenta dzīve- uz kājām! Šodien jau no 9.00 rīta līdz pat 16.00 nācās pavadīt ar tādiem pašiem samocītiem un dzīves ceļos pamestiem cilvēkiem kā es! Visiem taču gribas būt pirmajiem, neatpalikt un būt labākajiem. Nežēlīga drūzma, cīņa par nākotni - tas viss notiek ne tikai Discovery kanālā vai kaut kur tur tāluma, bet gan RTU. Un rīt tas sāksies ari LU, ja minerālūdens būs pietiekoši, un rindā līdēju nebūs ļoti daudz ( tie ir tādi cilvēki, kas prasās būt nolamāti ar vissmagākajiem vārdiem pasaulē, bet labāk es šeit to nedarīšu, kaut gan varbūt rīt mans pacietības mērs jau būs pilns!!!), tad jau vakara varēšu doties atpakaļ uz MĀJAM! Cilvēks ir tāda stulba būtne ( un es par to pārliecinos ar katru dienu aizvien vairāk un vairāk ) , kas spēj aptvert labās lietas tikai tad, kad mēs tās zaudējam. Skumji, bet patiesība! Bet lai vai kā, viss kas notiek, notiek uz labu.
P.S. Veiksmi visiem topošajiem studentiem.
pirmdiena, 2007. gada 16. jūlijs
piektdiena, 2007. gada 13. jūlijs
ceturtdiena, 2007. gada 12. jūlijs
When my eyes ar broken,
I am sitting alone,
Love does not metter for what,but answer is no.
The grass with water and tears are free,
My mind is leaving me right now.
So wake my feelings come for you,
Drink my cola and going around,
Eat my heart and stole my bike,
But do not sitting alone.
My body die another day,
Historians are to late,
The one of friend are looking around,
but now I am comming home.
It's doesn't matter how,
It's doesn't matter when,
But you will be mine,
You are so far away,
But it's doesn't matter how I will found.
Some kill me in the morning,
but dreams don't lie for me,
My sole is sitting alone
and frinds are feeding from that.
Kill my soul for long time ago,
eat my heart for nothing at all,
I don't love you,
but it's doesn't matter now.
I am sitting alone,
Love does not metter for what,but answer is no.
The grass with water and tears are free,
My mind is leaving me right now.
So wake my feelings come for you,
Drink my cola and going around,
Eat my heart and stole my bike,
But do not sitting alone.
My body die another day,
Historians are to late,
The one of friend are looking around,
but now I am comming home.
It's doesn't matter how,
It's doesn't matter when,
But you will be mine,
You are so far away,
But it's doesn't matter how I will found.
Some kill me in the morning,
but dreams don't lie for me,
My sole is sitting alone
and frinds are feeding from that.
Kill my soul for long time ago,
eat my heart for nothing at all,
I don't love you,
but it's doesn't matter now.
sestdiena, 2007. gada 7. jūlijs
Ziņas (Atom)