Šodiena sākās kā jau vienmēr. Agri un stulbi. Piecēlos kā cilvēks, paēdu kā students un devos savās dienas gaitās. "Nu tā," durvis ciet, naudas maks kabatā,
slepenā atslēga otrā kabatā pie vecā labā Nokia telefona un aidāā'. Lietus smidzina sejās, atbrauc cilvēku piesētais autobuss un atkal tie paši tukšie,
bezpersoniskie skatieni kas vienmēr. Nožēlojami, ja tā nebūtu taisnības. Šoferi, kā jau pārliecinos vai ik dienu, visi kā viens ir izbijušie rallisti.
Bremze un gāze. Un viss. Kretīni.
Lekcijas garlaicīgas, pasniedzēji sarunājas tikai ar gudrākao ( tas ir sevi ); daži indivīdi īpaši izceļas ar savu intelektu un viszinību, ka kļūst pat pretīgi. Ja šitā turpināsies, tad nebūs nemaz tik ilgi jāgaida līdz kādam būs slikti... Rēķināšanās tikai ar sevi ( vai pareizāk sakot nerēķināšanas ar citiem ) ir ierasta lieta pie kā pierod ātri un neatgriezeniski - kā jau pie juristiem ( nevis cilvēkiem ) pierasts. Ja saglabā vismaz kaut kādas cilvēcības
paliekas, tad atkal iekāpjot autobusā tas viss kaut kur nemanāmiu pazūd. Žēl.
Viena lieta, kas tomēr pietur pie dzīvības ir cerība, ka darba dzrīz nebūs, šokolāde paliks līdz rītdienai un mājas. O jā. Cik skumji, tomēr paļauties
skumjām nozīme sevi pieskaitīt autobusa pasažieriem.
Man tomēr dažu cilvēku no sirds ir žēl, paklausoties kas skan pretēja datora pirdelīgajos skaļrunīšos... No sirds žēl. Bet kāda gan man daļa. Katrs taču savas laimes un nelaimes kalējs. Paldies, ka toreiz kad mēs tikāmies pirmo reizi viss notik tā kā tam bija jānotiek. Es pat tagad jūtu to smaržu, kas valdīja gaisā. Tik trauslu un domīgu. Tas varbūt var likties tik banāli, bet pat es to jau sapratu, kad ieraudzīju tavu čemodānu, pat neredzot tevi pašu. Bet tas skatiens manī mīt pat vēl tagad - tieši tāds kādu es vienmēr esmu meklējis. Priecīgi liberāli skumjš.
Pulkstens jau atkla bez emocijām un sirdsapziņas pārmetumiem kaut kur steidzas un man jāsteidzas tam līdzi. Darbs. Nedarbs. Cerams, ka atpakļ tieši pa taisno
uz kojām nevis pa grēcīgiem neceļiem. bet sirdij jau nepavēlēsi!
pirmdiena, 2007. gada 24. decembris
ceturtdiena, 2007. gada 20. decembris
sestdiena, 2007. gada 15. decembris
ceturtdiena, 2007. gada 13. decembris
sestdiena, 2007. gada 8. decembris
S..mj. p.n..s
Vai nav vienalga, ka tramvaju sliedes asi griež,
vai nav viena alga, par darbu kuru no sirds veic,
Man liekas tevi sapratīs kāds, ar taviem vārdiem,
kurus nesaprot neviens.
Žēl man atstāt tevi vienu uz šīs zemes saltās, kas
vientuļi guļ zem papēžiem, bet ko gan darīt, ja aiziet gribas man jau.
Ceri vien, ceri, ka pilsētas zvaigžņotie sprakšķi, kas
lejup uz sejām kā vasaras naktis mums krīt, aiznesīs tevi man līdz.
Atbildi beidzot par lapu, kas asāk pirkstus man griež.
Paldies pilsēta mana, ka negrimsti vēl,
Turies ilgi pēc manas paaudzes, nedusmo velti, ka pievīlām tevi.
Nedziedi Taikapeili dziesmas, aizmirst tās,
Tavi Gailīši jau aiz muguras sen, piedod ka nemodināju.
Ģeniāli vienkārši pulkstenis iet, aizmirsties mums liek.
Trompeti izdzirdot atceries, par brāli Vienības laukumā sisto,
nebaidies, ka skumjas pār asarām top.
Tie jau ir svētki, kas runāt man liek, pasmejie vēl, smejies cik lien.
šodiena izbiegsies rīt, lai kā tu steidzies apturēt to,
Gribu izlikties gudrāks, bet stulbums pār visām varītēm ārā no manīm spiež,
Tikšķ kā filmā dārgā no Bolivudas pagrabiem, kam atgriztie vairāk nav vērts.
vai nav viena alga, par darbu kuru no sirds veic,
Man liekas tevi sapratīs kāds, ar taviem vārdiem,
kurus nesaprot neviens.
Žēl man atstāt tevi vienu uz šīs zemes saltās, kas
vientuļi guļ zem papēžiem, bet ko gan darīt, ja aiziet gribas man jau.
Ceri vien, ceri, ka pilsētas zvaigžņotie sprakšķi, kas
lejup uz sejām kā vasaras naktis mums krīt, aiznesīs tevi man līdz.
Atbildi beidzot par lapu, kas asāk pirkstus man griež.
Paldies pilsēta mana, ka negrimsti vēl,
Turies ilgi pēc manas paaudzes, nedusmo velti, ka pievīlām tevi.
Nedziedi Taikapeili dziesmas, aizmirst tās,
Tavi Gailīši jau aiz muguras sen, piedod ka nemodināju.
Ģeniāli vienkārši pulkstenis iet, aizmirsties mums liek.
Trompeti izdzirdot atceries, par brāli Vienības laukumā sisto,
nebaidies, ka skumjas pār asarām top.
Tie jau ir svētki, kas runāt man liek, pasmejie vēl, smejies cik lien.
šodiena izbiegsies rīt, lai kā tu steidzies apturēt to,
Gribu izlikties gudrāks, bet stulbums pār visām varītēm ārā no manīm spiež,
Tikšķ kā filmā dārgā no Bolivudas pagrabiem, kam atgriztie vairāk nav vērts.
svētdiena, 2007. gada 2. decembris
svētdiena, 2007. gada 25. novembris
trešdiena, 2007. gada 21. novembris
Shitty time in my life
Shitty like a zookeeper's boy from stardusts,
Lucky for facts, girls who know him from his name,
But you can change my why in life,
I turn four days after my birthday.
Sorry for shitty ending, sorry my mind mate.
There are facts, that now one can say that thay are false,
So don't call me a liar,
I know that every mother wont her son going back to home,
And youngest sisters are the best.
Things have their why in life,
But how it came so wrong?
How can I loving you now?
My or your ? What ever!
My part from you eat me alive.
Don't say that I am naive,
Don't say crazy, but act like a fool.
Go to myspace dot com and be so close to me.
Magic don't happening our days.
I cross see to see,
Network consume friends souls,
And cheep games destroy senses at all.
I have my first lesson to not to be so cold,
Cello sound from next room fascinate imagination,
I see you naked in the rain,
Oh my God I may dreamer,
But I'm steel alive instead of you.
Sorry for lines that I write,
Sorry at all..
Goodbye for ever kindness,
Hallo new life.
I know you Know, that I am talking with you.
Lucky for facts, girls who know him from his name,
But you can change my why in life,
I turn four days after my birthday.
Sorry for shitty ending, sorry my mind mate.
There are facts, that now one can say that thay are false,
So don't call me a liar,
I know that every mother wont her son going back to home,
And youngest sisters are the best.
Things have their why in life,
But how it came so wrong?
How can I loving you now?
My or your ? What ever!
My part from you eat me alive.
Don't say that I am naive,
Don't say crazy, but act like a fool.
Go to myspace dot com and be so close to me.
Magic don't happening our days.
I cross see to see,
Network consume friends souls,
And cheep games destroy senses at all.
I have my first lesson to not to be so cold,
Cello sound from next room fascinate imagination,
I see you naked in the rain,
Oh my God I may dreamer,
But I'm steel alive instead of you.
Sorry for lines that I write,
Sorry at all..
Goodbye for ever kindness,
Hallo new life.
I know you Know, that I am talking with you.
Beidzot TAS ir noticis!!!!
Nu tad tā! Beidzot tas ir noticis! Līdz tam bija ilgs ceļš ejams, bet nu es varu teikt : "Tas nu ir fakts un neviens nevar TO apstrīdēt!" Vakar tas notika ap pulkstens 15.00. Sākumā bija grūti un nevarēja saprast kā tas īsti ir darāms un cik droši tas viss ir! Bet mani iedrošināja mana mīlestība... Viņa man čukstēja, ka viss notiek tā , kā tam jānotiek, un lai es nebaidos un gan jau viss būs Ok! Un bija! Nu es varu teikt, ka tagad viņa ir mana! Es pat nebaidos apgalvot, ka viņi es biju pirmais un ļoti ceru ka palikšu tāds vienmēr!( ja labi un mīļi paprasīsiet, tad varbūt uz kādu nedēļas nogali viņa būs arī tava :) )
Es ceru, ka lielais R ar mani varētu lepoties! Viņš tagad nav vienīgais, kas to dara!
P.S. Interesanti, kurš atrāks pabeigs...?
pirmdiena, 2007. gada 19. novembris
Nine million bicycles
There are nine million bicycles in Beijing
That's a fact,
It's a thing we can't deny
Like the fact that I will love you till I die.
We are twelve billion light years from the edge,
That's a guess,
No-one can ever say it's true
But I know that I will always be with you.
I'm warmed by the fire of your love everyday
So don't call me a liar,
Just believe everything that I say
There are six billion people in the world
More or less
and it makes me feel quite small
But you're the one I love the most of all
We're high on the wire
With the world in our sight
And I'll never tire,
Of the love that you give me every night
There are nine million bicycles in Beijing
That's a Fact,
it's a thing we can't deny
Like the fact that I will love you till I die
And there are nine million bicycles in Beijing
And you know that I will love you till I die!
That's a fact,
It's a thing we can't deny
Like the fact that I will love you till I die.
We are twelve billion light years from the edge,
That's a guess,
No-one can ever say it's true
But I know that I will always be with you.
I'm warmed by the fire of your love everyday
So don't call me a liar,
Just believe everything that I say
There are six billion people in the world
More or less
and it makes me feel quite small
But you're the one I love the most of all
We're high on the wire
With the world in our sight
And I'll never tire,
Of the love that you give me every night
There are nine million bicycles in Beijing
That's a Fact,
it's a thing we can't deny
Like the fact that I will love you till I die
And there are nine million bicycles in Beijing
And you know that I will love you till I die!
sestdiena, 2007. gada 17. novembris
svētdiena, 2007. gada 11. novembris
Visu cieņu!
sestdiena, 2007. gada 10. novembris
Like funky shit...
Like fuckin groove...
Like best from the west...
Like John Frusciante using drugs...
Like Red Hot Chili Peppers in Slane castle...
Like Flea naked in the rain playin his fuckin bass...
Like fuckin groove...
Like best from the west...
Like John Frusciante using drugs...
Like Red Hot Chili Peppers in Slane castle...
Like Flea naked in the rain playin his fuckin bass...
ceturtdiena, 2007. gada 8. novembris
I don't have nothing to eat,
My whay is one - to nearest shop
I am a begger,I don't have money,
But I am live, I have my life.
In my pocket are 44 fuckin cents,
For all my day I buy cheapes bread and
russian pasta.
I smoke my Marlboro, two cigares a day,
Because purse is empty like my heart.
I still think about you,
Tomorrow will be to late at ten o'clock
Reading is not aim, but only whay to truth,
I hope, that the day after tomorrow will be...
Ok, my story now ends,
You make my mind think clearly
On red carpet one day I will be with you
But now I am in hostel and watching Discovery Channel
Like Bloodhound Gang sing in there song,
MTV sucks and Britney is bitch,
I love my contry and president say: "Kill for you country"
So live you life like tomorrow is too late
And don't kill... but it is too late now.
My whay is one - to nearest shop
I am a begger,I don't have money,
But I am live, I have my life.
In my pocket are 44 fuckin cents,
For all my day I buy cheapes bread and
russian pasta.
I smoke my Marlboro, two cigares a day,
Because purse is empty like my heart.
I still think about you,
Tomorrow will be to late at ten o'clock
Reading is not aim, but only whay to truth,
I hope, that the day after tomorrow will be...
Ok, my story now ends,
You make my mind think clearly
On red carpet one day I will be with you
But now I am in hostel and watching Discovery Channel
Like Bloodhound Gang sing in there song,
MTV sucks and Britney is bitch,
I love my contry and president say: "Kill for you country"
So live you life like tomorrow is too late
And don't kill... but it is too late now.
svētdiena, 2007. gada 4. novembris
sestdiena, 2007. gada 27. oktobris
pirmdiena, 2007. gada 22. oktobris
piektdiena, 2007. gada 19. oktobris
Out off my mind, fuck,
out off my soul, beach,
Fuck off, please,
Please, please.
My name on floor, smack in the eye,
But I fight, I am learning to fight with fear with tear
Back on my back, back and forth
Smile beach, smile.
Our theory crash to peaces.
"I love you", they say to my puppy,
It is ok,
But there was no kiss, no kiss.
Law of gravitation doesnt work today...
Oh my God, I eat my jougurt,
Whay so stupid?
Whay so creap?
Everything is unisex,
Fuck off, Oh my...
Come back and fuck,
Freak out for some time.
Oh my, please fuck from my life,
And stay forever in my mind.
out off my soul, beach,
Fuck off, please,
Please, please.
My name on floor, smack in the eye,
But I fight, I am learning to fight with fear with tear
Back on my back, back and forth
Smile beach, smile.
Our theory crash to peaces.
"I love you", they say to my puppy,
It is ok,
But there was no kiss, no kiss.
Law of gravitation doesnt work today...
Oh my God, I eat my jougurt,
Whay so stupid?
Whay so creap?
Everything is unisex,
Fuck off, Oh my...
Come back and fuck,
Freak out for some time.
Oh my, please fuck from my life,
And stay forever in my mind.
otrdiena, 2007. gada 16. oktobris
I love you! I wont mental sex with you! Psychedelic Sexfunk From RHCP!
Ja kāds pateiks, ko es mīlu, tad es pārliecināšos, ka tā ir taisnība! Bet sexa nebūs! Diemžēl!
pirmdiena, 2007. gada 15. oktobris
piektdiena, 2007. gada 12. oktobris
Crash ( Especially for You )
Between walls and ceilings,
They say "STOP",
When lights die out, I say "Let go".
Oh yes, you must help me,
Oh yes, you must bring your selfe down.
Put me in your mind,
Stay with me forever
Do you wont to give up?
The record was without feelings,
Can you say that?
Rabidness tonight,hangover in the mourning,
But it's doesn't matter, when I am with you.
So cold, so cold withot you,
When leave-taking come,
I did not look into your eyes
Was it mistake or not?
Tell me, tell me please.
Cramping on dancefloor,
So crazy, so wild, so fuckin nice.
Good bye, this was crach of my life.
Crash, crash my heart for reason,
Crash, crash, oh yes.
Love is feeling, that we don't gonna understand,
And this for better, this for better.
Music make me feel like flying carpet,
It gives me wings,
You are music for my soul,
So light like snout Slim,
But more stronger than jay.
I know that's a goof,
But say one word, that I am loco
And I will understand,
But please say,say this word.
They say "STOP",
When lights die out, I say "Let go".
Oh yes, you must help me,
Oh yes, you must bring your selfe down.
Put me in your mind,
Stay with me forever
Do you wont to give up?
The record was without feelings,
Can you say that?
Rabidness tonight,hangover in the mourning,
But it's doesn't matter, when I am with you.
So cold, so cold withot you,
When leave-taking come,
I did not look into your eyes
Was it mistake or not?
Tell me, tell me please.
Cramping on dancefloor,
So crazy, so wild, so fuckin nice.
Good bye, this was crach of my life.
Crash, crash my heart for reason,
Crash, crash, oh yes.
Love is feeling, that we don't gonna understand,
And this for better, this for better.
Music make me feel like flying carpet,
It gives me wings,
You are music for my soul,
So light like snout Slim,
But more stronger than jay.
I know that's a goof,
But say one word, that I am loco
And I will understand,
But please say,say this word.
otrdiena, 2007. gada 9. oktobris
I got soul, but I'm not a soldier
City of freeadom, world start cry,
Stay for a while,
People hate time, but one day you will be a man,
And dreams will grow up with you.
Thank you girl, you smile like a God.
Day like day, through hours, hopes and expectations,
Through my girl and love.
Shape on wall,,
Hope in my soul,
Stay with me some time,
Enjoy power of love and leave me alone.
Monday I am keen on you,
But Sunday come so hard,
And I understand that bargain was a quaky shit.
Groove sound come,
Oh come on, oh come on, oh come on,
Thay talk abaut you, but I dont listen,
Universe tray to eat me alive.
Crazy I, crazy you, dont except respect from me,
Crazy you, crazy I, leave me alone, please
Stars so long away,thay said to me,
But I have one, I have you.
Kiss away my pain, kiss so far away,
You my star, I your jack,
Dont say, just do,
Oh come on, oh come on, oh come on,
Some day maby,
Oh yes, oh yes, Oh yes.
Cut it out, cut it short,
Put a clock ahead,get a wiggle on!
Oh come on, oh come on, oh come on,
Till one's dying day.
Every bullet has its billet,
Oh come on, oh come on, oh come on.
Stay for a while,
People hate time, but one day you will be a man,
And dreams will grow up with you.
Thank you girl, you smile like a God.
Day like day, through hours, hopes and expectations,
Through my girl and love.
Shape on wall,,
Hope in my soul,
Stay with me some time,
Enjoy power of love and leave me alone.
Monday I am keen on you,
But Sunday come so hard,
And I understand that bargain was a quaky shit.
Groove sound come,
Oh come on, oh come on, oh come on,
Thay talk abaut you, but I dont listen,
Universe tray to eat me alive.
Crazy I, crazy you, dont except respect from me,
Crazy you, crazy I, leave me alone, please
Stars so long away,thay said to me,
But I have one, I have you.
Kiss away my pain, kiss so far away,
You my star, I your jack,
Dont say, just do,
Oh come on, oh come on, oh come on,
Some day maby,
Oh yes, oh yes, Oh yes.
Cut it out, cut it short,
Put a clock ahead,get a wiggle on!
Oh come on, oh come on, oh come on,
Till one's dying day.
Every bullet has its billet,
Oh come on, oh come on, oh come on.
sestdiena, 2007. gada 6. oktobris
Fuck - I hate you!
Fuck - Whay?
Fuck - I dont know.
Fuck - Tell me please.
Fuck - It is hard to explane.
Fuck - But I love you!
Fuck - HaHaHa
Fuck - Beach
Fuck - I am beach, but you love me?
Fuck - Fuck, fuck
Fuck - Yes or no?
Yes, yes, yes, fuck yes
Fuck - Whay?
Fuck - I dont know.
Fuck - Tell me please.
Fuck - It is hard to explane.
Fuck - But I love you!
Fuck - HaHaHa
Fuck - Beach
Fuck - I am beach, but you love me?
Fuck - Fuck, fuck
Fuck - Yes or no?
Yes, yes, yes, fuck yes
ceturtdiena, 2007. gada 4. oktobris
Sand from hand to hand,
Pain from heart to heart,
But you dont feel it
You seems to me so far away with him
And you dont see howe much I care.
There is now way to run,
I only watch and watch,
cry and cry,
But you cant read my mind
My heart is broken,
My eyes with tears,
But you seems to me so free and without pain
Your voice kill me,
But for reasons are know,
I wont die every day again and again
I open the dors for my heart
again, again, again...
To stars I pray,
But question is one-- whay?
Whay, whay, whay.
Sand from hand to hand,
For you it is a silly game,
But for me it is death,
Again, again with every grain of sand.
Pain from heart to heart,
But you dont feel it
You seems to me so far away with him
And you dont see howe much I care.
There is now way to run,
I only watch and watch,
cry and cry,
But you cant read my mind
My heart is broken,
My eyes with tears,
But you seems to me so free and without pain
Your voice kill me,
But for reasons are know,
I wont die every day again and again
I open the dors for my heart
again, again, again...
To stars I pray,
But question is one-- whay?
Whay, whay, whay.
Sand from hand to hand,
For you it is a silly game,
But for me it is death,
Again, again with every grain of sand.
trešdiena, 2007. gada 3. oktobris
Tas nav tas ko tu doma,
Tā ir atbalss, kas veļas no kalna
Ar blikšķi, bez sāpēm, ar jūtam pret tevi.
Tas viss dēļ tevis, mana mīļā,
Skatieni vēsi, sirdi pildot,
Izdveš asinis kvelē.
Tas dēļ tevis mana vēsā sirds,
Apdomajies ko tu dari un apskaties kā nopil mana dzīve
Sista, pelta un tevis izsmieta.
Man sagadā baudu stiklainais skatiens,
Mani pievelk tas ka tu raudi,
Tevi pievelk tas ka es raudu,
Un nesaku tev kadēļ.
Tu pat nenojaut cik gruti man nākas,
Drīzak nenākas tev pateikt - es mīlu,
Tu piebeidz ar domām,
Tik svešām, tālām ,bet tik patiesi saldām.
Es nebeidzu domāt un mazāk vel rakstāt,
Par bezjēdzīgiem sapņiem par mums,
Es esmu egoistsks pret pilsētu un sevi,
Bet pret tevi es sajūtu spēli,
Kas tik lieka un svēta man šķiet.
Laiks atņēma man tevi,
Es paliku lieks pret pasauli nīsto,
Paldies ka tu esi un domā par mani
Paldies ka tu vienkārši esi.
Tā ir atbalss, kas veļas no kalna
Ar blikšķi, bez sāpēm, ar jūtam pret tevi.
Tas viss dēļ tevis, mana mīļā,
Skatieni vēsi, sirdi pildot,
Izdveš asinis kvelē.
Tas dēļ tevis mana vēsā sirds,
Apdomajies ko tu dari un apskaties kā nopil mana dzīve
Sista, pelta un tevis izsmieta.
Man sagadā baudu stiklainais skatiens,
Mani pievelk tas ka tu raudi,
Tevi pievelk tas ka es raudu,
Un nesaku tev kadēļ.
Tu pat nenojaut cik gruti man nākas,
Drīzak nenākas tev pateikt - es mīlu,
Tu piebeidz ar domām,
Tik svešām, tālām ,bet tik patiesi saldām.
Es nebeidzu domāt un mazāk vel rakstāt,
Par bezjēdzīgiem sapņiem par mums,
Es esmu egoistsks pret pilsētu un sevi,
Bet pret tevi es sajūtu spēli,
Kas tik lieka un svēta man šķiet.
Laiks atņēma man tevi,
Es paliku lieks pret pasauli nīsto,
Paldies ka tu esi un domā par mani
Paldies ka tu vienkārši esi.
otrdiena, 2007. gada 2. oktobris
pirmdiena, 2007. gada 1. oktobris
Ja ne toi II
I hate you for your smile,
I hate you for your moves,
I hate you for being so far from me,
I hate so much, that I start to love you more and more.
I love your fuckin smile,
I love your crazy moves,
I love you for being so far from me,
I love so much, that I die for you.
I die in every dream with open eyes,
I born with every thought about you,
I am creep,
I am imbecile about you,
But you only smile and kill me for fun.
I hate you for your moves,
I hate you for being so far from me,
I hate so much, that I start to love you more and more.
I love your fuckin smile,
I love your crazy moves,
I love you for being so far from me,
I love so much, that I die for you.
I die in every dream with open eyes,
I born with every thought about you,
I am creep,
I am imbecile about you,
But you only smile and kill me for fun.
svētdiena, 2007. gada 30. septembris
sestdiena, 2007. gada 29. septembris
ceturtdiena, 2007. gada 27. septembris
Kas ir internets?
Sēžot un dumji skatoties datora ekrānā visu dienu, neviļus sāku domat par to,
kas tad ir tas, kas mūs ta pievelk pie qwerty tastaturas,
peles(manā gadījumā ir metaliska plaksnīte),monitora.
Respektīvi pie tās kastes, pie kā tas viss ir pieslegts( datora).
Lielākai dalai tas protams ir internets. Bet kas tad īsti ir internets?
kas tad ir tas, kas mūs ta pievelk pie qwerty tastaturas,
peles(manā gadījumā ir metaliska plaksnīte),monitora.
Respektīvi pie tās kastes, pie kā tas viss ir pieslegts( datora).
Lielākai dalai tas protams ir internets. Bet kas tad īsti ir internets?
trešdiena, 2007. gada 26. septembris
Ja ne toi
Dzīve.Viena lieta, vai pareizāk sakot absurda stavoklis, kas pavada ikvienu no mums.Tas ir tads stavoklis, kas liek mums nemitīgi domāt un raudāt.Ne jau liet asaras, bet raudāt ar vārdiem, darbiem un nolaidību.
Tas skan kā baznīcas lūgšanā( ...mana vaina, mana vaina u.t.t.),
bet ta jau nav mana vaina...
Vismaz mums patīk tā domāt.
Dzīves stāvoklis mūs vienkārši brutāli nosmacē. Bez komentariem.
Un atkal es sēžu viens ...
Tomēr ir jabūt kaut kam tadam, kas ievieš zinamu kārtību un jēgu absurdā un haosā.
Drīzāk absurda haosā. Es pieceļos no rīta un raudu par visu to kas nenotika, par to kam vajadzēja notikt un par to kas notika. Par visu.
Tātad par dzīvi kopumā, tomer man gribas sajust ari tās gaišo pusi,
jo es zinu( kaut gan apgalvot to būtu pavisam muļķīgi), ka tāda ir. Ir un punkts.
Mani sāpina dziesmas vārdi, bet es savukārt sāpinu citus.
Mani sāpina manis paša rīcība, bet es aizvien sāpinu citus.
Mani sāpini tu un es vēlos, lai tas tā turpinātos mūžigi.
Šīs sāpēs liek dzīvot tā, kā nekad nav dzīvots agrāk.
Nav pat jādomā par nāvi un sexu, kas ir ekvivalents mūsdienu mudaku sabiedribā, vai pareizāk sakot degradējošos lopu
skatienu kvadrātam.
Domas nerodas, tās rada ārējie apstākļi. UN TU.
Bet pats nožēlojamākais ir tas ka manis jau nav.
Ir tikai tava atblāzma...
Paldies.Mīlu.Tapēc noklusēju.
Tas skan kā baznīcas lūgšanā( ...mana vaina, mana vaina u.t.t.),
bet ta jau nav mana vaina...
Vismaz mums patīk tā domāt.
Dzīves stāvoklis mūs vienkārši brutāli nosmacē. Bez komentariem.
Un atkal es sēžu viens ...
Tomēr ir jabūt kaut kam tadam, kas ievieš zinamu kārtību un jēgu absurdā un haosā.
Drīzāk absurda haosā. Es pieceļos no rīta un raudu par visu to kas nenotika, par to kam vajadzēja notikt un par to kas notika. Par visu.
Tātad par dzīvi kopumā, tomer man gribas sajust ari tās gaišo pusi,
jo es zinu( kaut gan apgalvot to būtu pavisam muļķīgi), ka tāda ir. Ir un punkts.
Mani sāpina dziesmas vārdi, bet es savukārt sāpinu citus.
Mani sāpina manis paša rīcība, bet es aizvien sāpinu citus.
Mani sāpini tu un es vēlos, lai tas tā turpinātos mūžigi.
Šīs sāpēs liek dzīvot tā, kā nekad nav dzīvots agrāk.
Nav pat jādomā par nāvi un sexu, kas ir ekvivalents mūsdienu mudaku sabiedribā, vai pareizāk sakot degradējošos lopu
skatienu kvadrātam.
Domas nerodas, tās rada ārējie apstākļi. UN TU.
Bet pats nožēlojamākais ir tas ka manis jau nav.
Ir tikai tava atblāzma...
Paldies.Mīlu.Tapēc noklusēju.
-Lai kļūtu vieglāk!
-Vai tiešām?
-Protams, ka nekļūst, bet ko lai dara.
-Atkal tu sāc!?
-Es tagad tieši tagad daru to, ko man nevajadzētu darīt.Tieši pretēji, es tikai visu padaru vēl sliktāku, bet tas lai paliek ....
-Cerams, ka tomēr nepaliks...
-Lai kļūtu vieglāk!
-Vai tiešām?
-Protams, ka nekļūst, bet ko lai dara.
-Atkal tu sāc!?
-Es tagad tieši tagad daru to, ko man nevajadzētu darīt.Tieši pretēji, es tikai visu padaru vēl sliktāku, bet tas lai paliek ....
-Cerams, ka tomēr nepaliks...
pirmdiena, 2007. gada 16. jūlijs
7 stundas
Tāda ir tā studenta dzīve- uz kājām! Šodien jau no 9.00 rīta līdz pat 16.00 nācās pavadīt ar tādiem pašiem samocītiem un dzīves ceļos pamestiem cilvēkiem kā es! Visiem taču gribas būt pirmajiem, neatpalikt un būt labākajiem. Nežēlīga drūzma, cīņa par nākotni - tas viss notiek ne tikai Discovery kanālā vai kaut kur tur tāluma, bet gan RTU. Un rīt tas sāksies ari LU, ja minerālūdens būs pietiekoši, un rindā līdēju nebūs ļoti daudz ( tie ir tādi cilvēki, kas prasās būt nolamāti ar vissmagākajiem vārdiem pasaulē, bet labāk es šeit to nedarīšu, kaut gan varbūt rīt mans pacietības mērs jau būs pilns!!!), tad jau vakara varēšu doties atpakaļ uz MĀJAM! Cilvēks ir tāda stulba būtne ( un es par to pārliecinos ar katru dienu aizvien vairāk un vairāk ) , kas spēj aptvert labās lietas tikai tad, kad mēs tās zaudējam. Skumji, bet patiesība! Bet lai vai kā, viss kas notiek, notiek uz labu.
P.S. Veiksmi visiem topošajiem studentiem.
P.S. Veiksmi visiem topošajiem studentiem.
piektdiena, 2007. gada 13. jūlijs
ceturtdiena, 2007. gada 12. jūlijs
When my eyes ar broken,
I am sitting alone,
Love does not metter for what,but answer is no.
The grass with water and tears are free,
My mind is leaving me right now.
So wake my feelings come for you,
Drink my cola and going around,
Eat my heart and stole my bike,
But do not sitting alone.
My body die another day,
Historians are to late,
The one of friend are looking around,
but now I am comming home.
It's doesn't matter how,
It's doesn't matter when,
But you will be mine,
You are so far away,
But it's doesn't matter how I will found.
Some kill me in the morning,
but dreams don't lie for me,
My sole is sitting alone
and frinds are feeding from that.
Kill my soul for long time ago,
eat my heart for nothing at all,
I don't love you,
but it's doesn't matter now.
I am sitting alone,
Love does not metter for what,but answer is no.
The grass with water and tears are free,
My mind is leaving me right now.
So wake my feelings come for you,
Drink my cola and going around,
Eat my heart and stole my bike,
But do not sitting alone.
My body die another day,
Historians are to late,
The one of friend are looking around,
but now I am comming home.
It's doesn't matter how,
It's doesn't matter when,
But you will be mine,
You are so far away,
But it's doesn't matter how I will found.
Some kill me in the morning,
but dreams don't lie for me,
My sole is sitting alone
and frinds are feeding from that.
Kill my soul for long time ago,
eat my heart for nothing at all,
I don't love you,
but it's doesn't matter now.
sestdiena, 2007. gada 7. jūlijs
Ziņas (Atom)